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Yoga with your dog

Ilkley, West Yorkshire

unique yoga class where you spend quality time with your dog.


Just as yoga benefits people, both

mentally and physically, the same is said for dogs.

They enjoy the calming energy yoga is known to provide, and through practicing yoga together, you and your dog will develop a greater harmony and closer

Yoga with your dog

Your dog loves yoga, right?


You may have already discovered that when you roll out your yoga mat at home, your dog comes to investigate and stays with you whilst you practice.


It feels great, doesn't it?


Have you ever wished you could take your dog to yoga class but couldn't find an accommodating studio?


Now's your chance!

What to expect ...

For you ...


We can build an individual yoga programme that's tailored specifically for your needs, and taking into account whether you wish to help your dog into poses, or to simply enjoy their company and let them mill around. I can plan a sequence that incorporates the poses you want, and help you to advance further into your yoga practice at your own pace.

For your dog ...


Some dogs may be willing to be helped into some poses, and others may choose to mill around and come to you for physical contact or to copy your movements. Keeping this in mind, it's important to note that every dog is different and we will always respect the dogs wishes.


We will focus on creating a positive atmosphere and a unique way to practice yoga. It will be something that you and your dog can enjoy together.

Yoga with your dog


£20 per hour


Each session includes ...

A treat for your dog

A Soothing herbal tea for you

Please register your interest in yoga for you and your dog sessions, and I will contact you to discuss your requirements..

Location ...

Shampoodle and Groom, Ilkley, LS29 8AA

Shampoodle and Groom - Ilkley
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