I am Lee, the founder of The Yoga Company. I have lived with my wife Bo, who is a therapist since the age of seventeen, and together we have raised our son and daughter to be balanced, healthy, happy and autonomous individuals. I am a creative and passionate person and I enjoy working on projects, problem-solving, making music and yoga.
It is my key principle to make yoga accessible, joyful, and an integral part of everyone’s otherwise busy lives. A simple routine of guided asana practice (poses) with pranayama (breath work) is often enough for many, no matter their age, gender, fitness or body shape, to quickly feel the benefit of yoga and I can't wait to share my yoga and sound relaxation practice with you.
My Story
I am a trained musician and a qualified teacher. After a fragmented early career in leisure and retail I returned to University in 2000 to complete a BA (Hons) in Music Production, followed by a PGCE. I began teaching music and music production to people of all ages from 2005 in the further education sector. Over the following 18 years I established my teaching career and was promoted to Programme Manager with responsibility for 12 staff and 300 students. Life was busy!
In April ‘22 I turned 50 and we took a family holiday on a canal boat. The holiday became a turning point in my life as I sank deeply into the peace of the countryside and the meditative sound of the water, this contrast to my normal working schedule made me realise that I had been working at an unsustainable pace for many years and I began to seriously think how I could improve the quality of my life. In truth, I was becoming a little burnt out with the unrelenting pressure of my job and I understood at that point that I needed to pursue a line of work that was more fulfilling. During the canal boat holiday I was able to relax in a way I hadn’t been able to for many, many years and although I didn’t practice at all during that break, I couldn’t help thinking about yoga.
The first time I thought about yoga was in 1993 when I watched a promotional film by the musician Sting. One ‘behind the scenes’ segment shows Sting practicing yoga in a hotel room. He is strong, supple and captivating to watch. I aspired to move like him, and my journey into yoga began.
My initial yoga practice was self taught by following instructions in books, (this was the pre-internet age) and also attempting to copy Sting. It was only after I had an operation to cure a life threatening heart condition in 2003 when I started attending yoga classes and really took my practice seriously. My surgeon recommended ‘some gentle exercise like yoga’ so that’s what I did!
Yoga gives my body strength and my mind focus. Whatever difficulties life has passed my way, yoga has been a sanctuary from where I regain balance and calm. Whenever I practice yoga, I feel better - mentally and physically. With hindsight, it is no surprise that yoga became present in my mind when on the canal boat holiday. The calmness I felt was reminiscent of yoga practice.
On the last day of our canal boat holiday, I said to my wife that I think I wanted to change career and teach yoga. In her ever accepting and enthusiastic way, she simply said “go on then”.
I completed 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training (YTT 200) in November 2022, at Yoga Hero in Leeds. Throughout my career I have been to countless education conferences, team briefings, staff training sessions and workshops, but this felt like home. The energy between the trainees was visceral, and because of this camaraderie and the daily sharing of yoga with like minded individuals, I could feel myself changing. I was engaged, relaxed and present. After qualifying, I quickly began exploring opportunities to share what I had learnt and The Yoga Company was born. At the same time that I was completing my YTT, I also completed a Foundation Certificate in Sound Healing with Craig Eddington to gain the necessary skills to deliver professional, safe and practical Sound Healing and Sound Therapy sessions for the modern world.
In Autumn 2024 I undertook further training with Yoga Hero in Restorative Yoga and Polyvagal Theory accompanied by Trauma-Aware Yoga Teacher Training. I have also completed a 20 hour Trauma Sensitive Yoga Training with Trauma Therapy Manchester, and studied NICABM’s Treating Trauma Master Series. My interest in breathwork has been enhanced by following James Nestor's course The Power of Your Breath on BBC Maestro.
I am now dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of like minded individuals using yoga, breathwork and therapeutic yoga sound and music.
I am a member of Yoga Alliance Professionals, and uphold the ethical goals set in their Code of Practice. I also abide by the Therapeutic Sound Association (TSA) Code of Conduct.